Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tim Hortons is expanding

Tim Hortons has announced the opening of 500 new locations across Canada at their annual investors conference. The now have 3588 locations in Canada, and 859 in the USA.


Monday, February 24, 2014

I do not recommend Distributel!

On Friday February 21st a little before noon,  a Bell technician  for Distributel came to my home to run the line to install my Distributel modem, but was unable to connect  me to my new Distributel  modem (still in it's box) because he could not  get a strong enough line signal so he would note it in his report that would be sent off to Distributel.  So I called Distributel to find out how to return their modem to them and to cancel my internet account which was charged to my credit card, but Anna who claims to be a senior agent at Distributel told me according to her information, the Bell technician passed at 3:35 Friday afternoon and nobody was home, which is false, I was here!  and so she can cancel my internet with them ( which I never had) but I will have to pay the $80 instalation fee!!!

My advise BEWARE of DISTRIBUTEL's unlimited internet package, not avaible everywhere, but they will still charge you an $80 instalation fee!!!!!!

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Alexandre Bilodeau

I've shot the world's top athetes.

Alex Bilodeau

Montreal world Cup Freestyle moguls champ Alexandre Bilodeau and Gold medal winner at the 2014 winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

train crossing accident

In Canada, about every two weeks a passenger train collides with a car at a public railway crossing.

A toutes les deux semaine environ, un train de voyageurs entre en collision avec un vehicule a des passages a niveau au Canada.

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Saturday, February 08, 2014

Sochi 2014

Justine Dufour-Lapointe wins the first gold medal for Canada at the Sochi 2014 winter olympics.

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